This Week at the Emerson – 1.11.24

Hello Friends,

Become a part of our history, and sign up to be in the very FIRST metalsmithing classes held at the Emerson! Teaching our Introductory to Metals classes are local metalsmith talents, Beth Aimee and Kaleigh Jones!

The RAD Metals Studio has been designed to offer learning opportunities in a wide variety of techniques and skill levels, and we look forward to building on our base classes.

Tuesday (beginning Jan. 23): 9:30-11:30am (FULL)
Tuesday (beginning Jan. 23): 6:00-8:00pm (FULL)
Thursday (beginning Jan. 25): 6:30-8:30pm
Friday (beginning Jan. 26): 9:30-11:30am

ALSO- Join us for an open house party on February 7th from 5-7pm! Come see the space, have a beverage, and see the gorgeous new RAD Metals Studio for yourself!

With gratitude,
Susan Denson-Guy
Executive Director

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