
Exhibit by Martijn Caspar Swart

Martijn Caspar Swart’s inspiration for his Mythologies series explore deeply ingrained aspects of human experience.

Weaver Room Gallery
March 10 – May 12, 2023

Closing Reception

During the Emerson’s 30th Anniversary event on Friday, May 12th from 5:30-8:00pm.

Artist Statement

“The inspiration for these paintings are Mythologies which show us the most universal and deep-rooted aspects of human experience. It is how we remember who we are and what we are capable of. After all, the full breadth of humanity includes much greatness and much suffering, everything in our nature is sublime.

The classic painters of the Renaissance rediscovered that through moments of profound emotion that people can touch on immortality as the ancients did before them. Like a bittersweet reminder, Mythologies reveal a perspective we often turn from in fear, yet opens our eyes to the glories of each moment. These paintings are an effort to reveal something about our own existence in the same way. It is the marrying of the excellence of the past with the possibilities of the present that reveals a truly timeless and classical beauty.”

Artist Bio

Martijn Caspar Swart is a classical figurative painter who strives to paint masterpieces in the tradition of Rembrandt, Rubens, Titian. He was born in Den Haag, The Netherlands and later grew up in Bozeman, Montana. He graduated from Montana State in Literature and then from Aristides Classical Atelier in Seattle. A year later Martijn traveled to Europe to study Kitsch painting with Legendary Master Odd Nerdrum. Currently he is working back in Bozeman.